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A Psicanálise Cura? Review (English)

(C) Renato Mezan (*) The review was published in Percurso magazine, year XVII, No. 33, 2004 Readers who were children around 1960 may perhaps remember the slogan “Three in one”, which meant a big novelty during that time: the Neapolitan cream, strawberry and chocolate ice cream. Years later, in a humourous allusion to this same […]

Resenhas Livros

The first lesson in psychoanalysis

Sunday News (January 15, 2005) (C)  By Louis C. de Figueiredo  Some years ago Time magazine carríed a cover story entitled “Is Freud Dead?”. It was a rhetorical question, to which ali sorts of reactions could be expected. One anti-Freud author went só far as to state that “the death of psychoanalysis is itself the only […]

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